21 October 2019 | Article

Engineered Foam Products (formerly part of DS Smith) has been announced as the 2019 winner of the Horners Award for Polymer Design and Innovation for the HOTBIN Mini Compost Bin.

The Hotbin Mini was selected as the winner of this prestigious award by the judges for providing homeowners around the country with a small, slimline unit to help process their waste into compost up to 32 times faster than cold composting bins. Reaching temperatures of 40-60°c, food and garden waste can be composted in as little as 30 days due to the insulating properties of plastic.

This efficient composter can process cooked food waste, small bones and perennial weeds helping to reduce the amount of waste put out for kerbside collection and instead encouraging the improvement of gardens with rich homemade compost.

The prestigious Horners Award is the longest established award in the world recognising innovation in plastics design and manufacture or in the processing of polymers.

The Horners Awards Chairman, David Williams, said of the award this year:

 “Many of the entries this year demonstrated how smart applications of plastic help us solve everyday issues of reducing waste and help us live sustainably. I was extremely happy to see how the UK industry is proactively responding to the concerns of the public over waste, and how innovations like the Hotbin Mini demonstrate that innovation in plastic is vital now more than ever.”

Run jointly by the by the Worshipful Company of Horners and the British Plastics Federation (BPF), the Horners Awards took place at a prestigious ceremony on Thursday 3rd October where the award was presented by the City of London Lord Mayor, Peter Estlin to David Vallance, Managing Director of Engineered Foam Products.

The prestigious nature of the Horners award is best described by the history of the Worshipful Company of Horners, an ancient guild dating back to 1284 and which started operating under a charter from Charles I in 1638. As the craft of working with horn declined however in 1943 the company adopted the modern equivalent, plastics, when the industry was at its infancy and later joining forces for the awards with the BPF, the longest running trade associate for plastics.


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