15 February 2022 | Article
EFP was officially certified in December 2021 following recommendation by the SGS Auditor in July of the same year.
Over the last 2 years the business has been working towards achieving the ISO 50001 Energy Performance Management Standard providing an organisational framework to:
- Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy
- Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
- Use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use
- Measure the results
- Review policy effectiveness
All four sites are included in the certification to drive continuous improvement across the business and improve efficiencies by focusing on areas of significant energy usage with everyone’s support to reduce energy use.
During the audit the business demonstrated energy monitoring and management across all sites, displaying the ability to analyse data gathered to form its objectives around energy usage and performance in areas of significant energy use. Going forward EFP will continue to develop key energy performance objectives with the aim to have visible continual improvement in energy efficiency and usage over the coming years.
Changes to the infrastructure of EFP has seen some sites usage increase over the past year, however the energy performance of the business overall saw a small improvement in 2021 against the baseline year of 2018.
EFP was officially certified in December 2021 following recommendation by the SGS Auditor in July of the same year. This is a huge achievement, thanks to site management and energy and sustainability personnel for your dedication to the implementation of this standard.

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