22 April 2020 | Article
Insulated food-delivery boxes keep food hot or cold during door-to-door deliveries. These boxes are proven to be a safe and convenient alternative for door-to-door food deliveries during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
In light of the rapidly developing COVID-19 pandemic and the national lockdown that has been in effect since 23rd households are isolating themselves, limiting movement and social distancing. These changes to our everyday lives mean more reliance upon either online shopping fulfillment or friends and family to deliver food essentials that can be left at the front door with no contact.
The government has also just confirmed that there will be no 3-week review and that the UK is currently in no position where it is safe to change any of the Coronavirus lockdown measures.
The steps taken by UK supermarkets to ensure fair, consistent supply to all have spurred us on to think how Engineered Foam Products, JB Packaging brand can help to ensure fresh perishables stay chilled and meals on wheels style deliveries arrive hot and ready to consume.
How can we help?
Simply by keeping those food deliveries hot and cold. For nearly 40 years JB Packaging has specialised in providing insulated boxes for a wide range of food industries to keep contents hot or cold but crucially, fresh for longer.
Our thermal boxes can be of assistance for no-contact essential food drop-offs and hot meals on wheels services that can be left at the doorstep of those families that are self-isolating. For those who are isolating the boxes can also provide a convenient location for food drop-offs to keep food fresh before bringing it into the home.
Food Contact Safe and Easy to Handle –
JB Packaging’s standard poly boxes and deluxe boxes both offer excellent insulation, are hygienic, and food-contact safe approved. All boxes are stackable and have finger recesses built-in for ease of handling.
Who Are Our Boxes For?
- Pubs and restaurants making food deliveries
- Shops making local food drop-offs
- Delivery rounds of free school meals
- Farm food shops
- Supermarkets fulfilling online orders
- Storage of food in the boot of your car
- Fishmongers
- Butchers
Our 20kg boxes are a good size and are ideal for both delivery and storage applications
We Supply to the Public
If you are supporting family, friends, or neighbors, boxes can offer a cool storage place for shopping. Or, for consumers, the boxes can offer a good place for others to drop off food essentials. Boxes are available as singles or as large parcels or pallet loads to suit individuals and small online catering businesses.
Our Offer
As of now and until further notice we have discounted our insulated box range so you can save 10%, just use code “giveme10” at the Shopping Basket.
Why Choose EPS or EPP Food Boxes?
EPS and EPP have superior thermal insulating properties that can maintain temperature-sensitive products either cold or hot for longer than other packaging types.
EPS insulated containers keep cold perishables such as fish and meat cold for shorter distances. However, when used in combination with gel packs and other refrigerants, perishables transported in EPS shippers can maintain stable temperatures under 5°C for as long as 48 hours.
In contrast, EPP insulated containers are typically used for hot thermal protection to keep food hot/warm for shorter distances.
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