4 October 2023 | Our People
In a very worthy show of community support, Engineered Foam Products (EFP) put forward with a donation, helping Livingston QA Co-ordinator (Flt Sgt Gordon Kerr RAFAC) alongside the 1756 (Broxburn) Sqn staff.
This timely and very welcome contribution enabled the subsidy of trip costs, important at a time of inflation, allowing a group of 44 young Royal Air Force Air Cadets from across Scotland and Northern Ireland a chance to embark on a significant five-day WW1 Battlefield Tour of Belgium / France.
Led by an expert guide from Anglia Tours, John, the group of cadets ventured into history, reliving poignant moments from World War I. With his rich repertoire of knowledge, John engaged the cadets in an immersive experience, pinpointing crucial landmarks and highlighting the significance related to the Air Force. From memorials with an overwhelming 72,000 missing soldiers’ names to more intimate sites with just a dozen names, the cadets bore witness to the vast scope of the war’s impact.
Reflecting on the expedition, numerous cadets voiced the stark contrasts they observed in terms of memorial sizes, while equally emphasising the unfading significance each held. The tour also became deeply personal for a few members who found their ancestors resting in those sacred grounds. These cadets and staff members took a moment of solace, laying poppies at the headstones and offering silent respect.
With some remaining funds they purchased a used artillery shell from WWI, which will be used as a trophy. Christened after Engineered Foam Products, this trophy will stand as a testament to high moral courage, to be awarded annually to a deserving Air Cadet. This generous collaboration between EFP and the 1756 (Broxburn) Sqn staff stands as an emblem of community spirit, educational dedication, and the preservation of historical memory.

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