20 May 2021 | Article
Engineered Foam Products are delighted to announce the commitment to two sustainability initiatives to further strengthen our mission to manufacture sustainable moulded foam solutions.
These include partnering with the British Plastics Federation’s (BPF) Climate Change Agreement (CCA) and all manufacturing sites working towards the achievement of the ISO50001 energy standard accreditation.
The Climate Change Agreement, in association with the BPF, has seen the business take on targets to increase energy efficiencies by 2025. Given the diverse production across the business, these challenging targets will be achieved by investment, drive and commitment to other related initiatives such as ISO50001.
Requiring energy use across all manufacturing sites to be measured and monitored, ISO50001 is designed to identify areas of high energy use which need to be tackled and to promote a culture of continuous improvement of energy performance management. This accreditation will not only aid compliance with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, in which the business is enrolled, but also help drive it to success by achieving the challenging CCA targets.
Engineered Foam Products are delighted to announce an improvement at the end of 2020, despite it being a difficult year, the hard work of our employees and the investment into energy efficient machinery has led to the first of many improvements that the business is committed to achieving and sustaining.
To learn more about our sustainability drive, please click here.
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